Thursday, February 21, 2013

(Inuyama) Japae,

Inu to Takayama. Small quiet town.

Inu Kageyama (Inuyama) is a small town. In the north west of Nagoya. Nagoya (Aichi) Inu Toyama Castle was an important symbol of the city.

Toyama Castle Inu.

Toyama Castle Inu (Inuyama Castle).
Inu Castle Nagoya Castle is one of the twelve in the Edo period still survive today, and is the third oldest of the Japanese Inu Toyama Castle.

Architecture in Meiji Nakamura.

The Meiji (Meiji Mura).
Meiji village is surrounded by nature. Is one of the main attractions of the city Inu Kageyama. Here is a collection of buildings and structures throughout Japan to 60 after coming here. Mainly influenced by Western architecture, including the demolition of buildings and real property to a new model since the original was destroyed.

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